Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Reflecting on our learning

Brrrrr! The mornings are so cold now. Even our computers and our internet connection have been feeling the cold. We have had some problems this week.
What have we been up to?
We've been thinking about our learning.
Next week we have our 3 way conferences and we need to talk to our family about how we are going, so we've been putting portfolios together.
It's a big job, but we're making good progress.
Today we thought about how we did when we wrote to explain what makes a fish a fish.
We had to wear our white hats to get the facts.... Did we get all those fishy facts in there? ... Did we write in sentences?


Anonymous said...

Good story by David

Anonymous said...

That must of been fun to do and it was Good work .Jessica.

Anonymous said...

I like your fish Bayley.Your fish is a prittey fish.From Chantel.

Anonymous said...

I loved the conference. And it was really well prepared. Lilian Zijm, Dillons mum.

Anonymous said...

bayley your fish is cool and pretty