Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Geometry - Shape Explorers

WALT (We are learning to) describe shapes by how many corners and how many sides.
This morning some of us made shape pictures.
Some of us answered riddles about shapes.
Some of us gave directions to our talking buddy to make shapes on the geoboards.


Anonymous said...

I hope I can make this comment show up because I really love your shape activities. I especially like coming in to help everyone, even when the glue went everywhere! I hope I can see more of your stories and activities on your special room 2 blog. See you at school, Nikki

Anonymous said...

I realy like your blog room 2! I love being able to keep up this way with what you are doing. It must be exciting indeed to have a lot of other faces in your room. i wish you all a lot of fun together. Love, Lilian (Dillon's mum)